explore, express, experiment

Category: Adventures

  • Wilmington, NC (Fri22Apr—Sun24Apr)

    Wilmington, NC (Fri22Apr—Sun24Apr)

    I didn’t really have a plan for Wilmington. Didn’t even think about it as I drove through all the MyrtleBeach … what could you call that? … the MyrtleBeach noise. And after I got settled into the very welcoming AirBnB, I realized that having no plan, not even a list of possibilities to consider, was…

  • My first breakfast

    My first breakfast

    0700 W22May2019 Shenandoah River State Park. near Bentonville VA, just a bit north of Luray Caverns ( that claims to be the largest cave in the East. ORLY? ) First breakfast: chicken chunks leftover from one friend’s party, sautéed w shallots, grape tomatoes, and pine nuts. Cucumbers leftover from my party, with balsamic reduction, drizzled…